Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Transforming Bharat through youth power


Youth is the force that keeps the heart of a Nation pumping with Life. Youth constitutes a major working force of a nation. If a nation is to be steered towards the path of the development, then the youth should be its driving force.

India, the second most populous country in the world with 1.24 billion, has about 4.3 million in the age group 15-34 years which we term as youth. In less than a decade India, with a median age of 29 years will be the youngest nation in the world. If these youth are empowered with education, motivated and guided on the path of nation building then our Country will become a Global leader as our visionaries dream of.

In recent times we have noticed an increasing level of growing angst over socio economic problems by the youth. Whether it be Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption which forced the Indian Govt. To bow down before the common man and to give an ear to its problems or the Nirbhaya Case, that shook the moral conscience of a nation. We have seen the anger and frustration of the youth who have been at the forefront of these protests. Youth have been left to live at society’s margins. If we want to build a stronger nation, we must acknowledge the capabilities of the youth and empower them. There are some major  and crucial sectors where the youth can bring an overall transformation.


Our current system of education, also called Macaulay’s system of education, is submission inducing, creativity killing and rote learning that needs to be dismantled. Also our biased approach to different fields of education creates an imbalance in the job sector. A new education system is to be erected which should be value based and should lay emphasis on creativity and social development. Activity based leaning should be implemented.


Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. Roughly a major part of our workforce (51%) works in agricultural sector. Growth in agriculture has fallen from 30% in 1990-91 to 14.5% in 2010-2011. About 60% of India’s agricultural land is rain dependent.
India has 59 universities dedicated to agricultural studies & research. These universities can provide support to students and encourage them to hold workshops for farming community in each state, generating awareness about the recent technical development and reforms in agriculture and can perform field trials. Youngsters can be encouraged to take agriculture as a career path. By discarding outdated agricultural methods and adopting agricultural reforms, the agriculture sector can be given a boost.


90% of Jobs in India is skill based and yet we depend on a mere 10% of skilled manpower. An unskilled workforce keeps the manufacturing and production sector lagging behind other sectors.
There is a need to promote skill development courses. Young people, especially from economically backward sections should be enrolled for skill development courses. This skill development should also be implemented for engineering course so that students receive a practical knowledge of their course.


 The results of 2014 elections and the recently concluded Delhi elections shows us that youth can no longer be bound by ideology or caste or religion quotients. Youth should shed the “sab chalta he” attitude and come to the forefront of politics. The youth devoid of any specific ideology or caste and religion quotients caring only about social and economical issues can bring an overall transformation to the traditional Indian politics. These youngsters living in the era of social media can fully take advantage of technology and share their views and ideas about transforming our nation on Social media which has a larger outreach among public.


In recent times the gender crimes have risen exponentially. Young generation find solace in intoxicating substances to escape from harsh realities of life. The generation of today grow up with no sense of community and no exposure to what life is. A generation which is devoid of social and moral values brings untold disaster to their country.
Social development classes should be introduced in educational institutions and also in Residents associations at Panchayat level. General awareness about the current socio political scenario and sex education should be promoted. Youth can be engaged in community services for it helps in socialising with the public and help in the development of society.

If our youth can be empowered and brought to the forefront, they can become the key agents of change. It is time we tapped the potential of youth and direct it towards the goal of nation building. A young, vibrant and developing India will always stand out as an example of youth power and development.

“We cannot always build the future for the youth, but we can build the youth for the future”
Franklin D Roosevelt.

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