Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2014: The Year of Great Indian Elections. An Overview

"To make Democracy work, we must be a notion of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain"

-Louis L'Amour

MAY 16, 2014. It was day of extremely hot season. Scorching heat and rising mercury levels would make people uncomfortable during any other day in this season but not on this day. There was some kind of feeling in the air that provided relief to the people, some kind of excitement that kept people glued to their TVs and to their Smartphones. People across strata of age and life constantly tweeting, texting, chatting and discussing about Results. There was some kind of feverish excitement in the air that distracted people from the punishing weather. Well it certainly wasn't IPL. Apart from Cricket there’s one other thing that boosts the adrenalines of 125 crore Indians, It was Elections. It was the result day of 16th Lok Sabha Elections, the one which will change the traditional Indian Political demography and decide the fate of 125 crore Indians

                                 2014 ELECTIONS: AN OVERVIEW

The 16th Lok Sabha Elections were the longest election in India’s history, running in nine phases from 7 April to 12 May 2014. According to the Election Commission of India, 814.5 million people were eligible to vote, with an increase of 100 million voters since the last general election in 2009, making it the largest-ever election in the world. Around 23.1 million or 2.7% of the total eligible voters were aged 18–19 years. The Election commission of India undertook extra efforts in commissioning vehicles to spread awareness about Voting. To add glamour, it even held a vintage car rally in Ludhiana to impress the youngsters. NGOs also played a significant role in voting awareness campaigns. Personal appeals by prominent faces of the Political Parties and Bollywood to go out and vote in large numbers motivated the youngsters. All these efforts were to motivate the population of Young Voters to exercise their franchise which could cause a rise in voter turnout and most importantly a tectonic shift in vote shares. 


No one was more excited, more enthused and more vibrant than the Young Voters who were eligible to exercise their Democratic franchise. They proudly held their Voter ID Cards as a symbol of power. Selfies of Inked Finger were shared on Facebook and Twitter to catch the attention of their friends and relatives to show off they have done their duty as a young citizen by voting. The cool quotient on social media, the hasthtags like #GetInked #InkedForChange, #MyIndiaMyVote applied before selfies of inked fingers made sure that it reached a large number of users. Hashtags dedicated to political parties like #iSupportNamo #voteforJhaadu also caught the attention of youth who could specifically show their support to a Party.

What was to be noted about the youngsters was they weren't bound by ideology of any party nor by any caste or religion quotient. They were concerned only about serious issues like Price rise, corruption, women's safety, unemployment, terrorism etc. All they wanted was a solution to these pressing issues, to vote for a party, to elect a Leader who could deal with this issues responsibly no matter what his caste or religion is , no matter whether he hails from urban or rural area. The sudden enthusiasm and Political awareness in youth could be traced back to the Anna Hazare movement, where it took a septuagenarian to awake the Young India from the deep slumber to the political reality around them. Scams of mammoth figures and an under performing Government boiled the blood of youth. The not-so-cool political reality around them made them think responsibly about their future and of the country's. The youngsters chipped in to offer their support to the anti-corruption movement and gradually during the elections season some of them joined the Political Parties who they taught would lift the country from current stagnation.


The outreach and influence of social media among the population, especially the youngsters was another reason to use it as a platform to share information about Party and its leaders and its stand on pressing issues. With an internet population of 243 Million India ranked 3rd in the list. Mass leaders had their own Facebook and Twitter accounts from which they would update about their rallies and programmes and share their messages. Followers ran into Millions. Mission 272 was formed by BJP IT communication Cell to garner support for the BJP's mission of 272 seats (272 is the halfway mark of 545). Fans groups propped across the social media supporting their leaders. Hashtags like #IsupportNaMo #RahulGandhi #AamAdmi began trending on twitter. But sometimes the hashtags took an ugly form. #Feku #Pappu #Bhagoda etc were used by party's detractors to mock or share hate messages. Propaganda machine were placed on work to spread exaggerated claims or unethical messages to garner support for them or turn the public opinion against their detractors. Mass leaders used Google Hangouts to communicate online with public. Leaders would take questions from selected users and they would have a chat session with them. Power of Social Media was harnessed to garner support among the users. Social Media turned yet another Battleground for 2014 elections.


Love him or Hate him no one, not even his hardcore critics could deny his overwhelming popularity and influence over India during the Elections. The man solely responsible for turning the elections into Presidential style referendum of his own, Narendra Modi’s run for Prime Minister ship was no cakewalk. During the 2013 Goa Conclave where Rajnath Singh, BJP president elected Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial Candidate he faced strong opposition from Party's senior leaders. His opponents declared that a divisive figure like Modi would not attract Allies for NDA. Media too didn't spare any mercy. It was a big risk taken by Rajnath Singh but that would pay off in coming months.
The ghost of Gujarat Riots loomed over Modi. Even though the Courts let him free, the public wouldn't forgive him. Hindutva agenda won't earn him enough support from the diverse population. He had to reinvent himself. 

Modi choose something that the Indians across strata of life so desperately yearned for, that they lacked under UPA's 10 year rule; Development! Around the cloak of Hindutva he wore the shining armour of Development. He transformed into a Vikas Purush (Man of Development). Development was the field where he was best at. When the whole of India faced the heat of Global Meltdown, Gujarat progressed. Referred as India's Guangdong, Gujarat outpaced every other Indian state with its double digit growth rates. Gujarat registered 10.7% growth rate in Agriculture against the National average of 2% putting West Bengal and Kerala to shame. Nearly 100% of Gujarat's villages are electrified. Over 26 districts are connected with Broadband with 9 Lakh users. Almost all the Indian corporations had their Industries and Plants in Gujarat. Over 20% of the World’s Top 500 conglomerates have corporate offices in Gujarat. 

With the armour of Development he wielded his Vajrayudha, the Gujarat Model of Development. He addressed his first 2014 Election Rally at Rewari, Haryana. From there on he never looked back. What he unleashed was a blitzkrieg in the coming months. Modi has travelled 300,000 km, or seven times the Earth's equatorial circumference. He has attended 5,187 events, addressed 477 rallies in 25 states. 3D Holographic speeches were relayed using Mobile Vans in the remotest of areas where technology hadn't penetrated. The cornerstone of his campaign machine was technical innovation. His IT army, commandeered mainly by IITians unleashed a technological warfare that his opponents couldn't withstand. Whether it be Radio, Mobile, TV or Internet his tech savvy supporters made sure their Leader's message was relayed to every corner. By dialling 4501-4501 one could listen to Modi's speech. The India272 mobile app for Android devices were developed to connect with every Modi supporter. Modi4PM donation drive was developed to collect funds from both his supporters home and abroad. Television Media wasn't left alone. "Abki Baar Modi Sarkar" ads filled the advertisement blocks. Even during the Cricket season Political themes with the cricket field background became a hit. His personal Facebook account had hit 10 Million likes, second only to Barack Obama. Wherever he went for Rallies he was given the welcome of a superstar. When he roared the crowd feverishly chanted “MODI MODI” There was indeed a Wave, a Modi wave on the way to sweep India. His political opponents and ivory tower intellectuals would deny it outright but any aam admi with simple common sense would feel it. Modi's march to Delhi would not be a smooth ride, he would have to face obstacles when dealing his opponents with the new addition to the list, Arvind Kejirival of AAP. Other than Modi, mass leaders of other Parties had their eyes on throne of Delhi.


Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejirival.

2014 Elections would be an incomplete story without these characters. Their personality cult turned the Lok Sabha Elections into a Presidential style campaign wherein much importance was attached to the ability and charisma of the Leader who represented their party. Jayalalitha of Tamil Nadu, Mamatha Banerjee of West Bengal, Nitish Kumar of Bihar, Naveen Patnaik of Orissa and Mulayam Singh of UP had their personality cult built over the years of experience . But theirs were only Regional Parties that could influence only the regional voters but nevertheless it posed a challenge for RaGa's, AK's or Modi's national ambitions .Rahul Gandhi, projected as the Young face of Congress portrayed the Young India which wants to progress and break from tradition. Arvind Kejirival, projected as Mr. Clean by AAP, portrayed the frustrated Aam Admi (common man) who is fed up with corruption in Govt. Offices and the influence of Crony Corporates on Govt. One in a million who was had guts to take upon the system and clean the filth of corruption. Narendra Modi, projected as the "Vikas Purush" (Man of Development) by BJP represented that Leader who is capable enough to lift the Country out of current political stagnation. A leader who can develop India like Singapore, lift the Disadvantaged out of Poverty ,take strong action against Pakistan's Proxy War. Thanks to the media, by playing a significant part in spreading the Modi Wave, the Political bigwigs sensed the threat. Out of chaos formed 2 groups; Modi and anti-Modi.

                                                          FINAL BATTLE BEGINS

5th March 2014, Election commission sounds the poll bugle and lo! The Parties join the fray, to fight the biggest battle of their life. With the enormous war chest and armed with technology, Narendra Modi was well ahead of everyone. Not to mention his impressive oratorical skills and stamina that others obviously lacked. On the ground only that made the difference. Laced with sarcasm and humor added with specific inputs and data of the regions he visited, Modi delivered impressive speeches that swept the crowd by their feet. He delivered the final salvo with his Vajrayudha; the Gujarat Model of Development. Comparing with his state Gujarat he talked about how Gujarat progressed and why their leader lacked the ability to lead the state on path of Development. In the Congress ruled states he vehemently attacked the state and central leadership declaring "60 years of Congress rule lead you nowhere" "Congress party is hijacked by one family and One family ruled the country for 60 years" and then he went on to gave his punch line. “I will bring you the development in 60 months what Congress couldn't do for 60 years" earning him applause and standing ovation from the crowd. Well de facto leader of Congress, Rahul Gandhi wouldn't shy away from a fight during an election. He mocked Modi's Gujarat Model as "Toffee model of Development" and went onto explain how Modi Govt. Sold land to Corporates for as cheap as Re 1. Some say Modi has a hide as thick as that of a Rhinoceros. The accusations did not cause any slightest harm to him but it quickly boomeranged on Rahul causing extra damage. In a rally Modi countered it by saying "Congress has followed a new type of Development agenda. RSVP, Rahul Sonia, Vadra, and Priyanka". News Hungry media jumped on the crumb and the rest was history. Rahul had the youthful energy, what he lacked was oratorical skills and ability to convince. He hurled accusations on Opposition but he lacked facts to back it. He had no achievements to show off unlike Modi. What public wasn't aware of was his lack of knowledge of politics and history until he gave an interview on Times Now. Interviewer, Arnab Goswami, a renowned anchor (interrogator as some call him) grilled Rahul on 1984 riots, his views on Modi and vision for India. Rahul displayed his ignorance of his family history, ignored questions on Modi and lacked any solid vision for India. It would be an understatement to say it was the worst. It was disastrous! The interview became an instant hit on YouTube with 2 million views. Rahul Gandhi was devastated. Congress was left in a fix. The reputation Rahul Gandhi earned in his 10 years of political life quickly evaporated. For the public, Congress was out of the race.

Modi's real threat came from the Arvind Kejirival, leader of fledgling party AAP. An IITian and a former revenue officer, Arvind Kejirival became the favorite of common man with his Aam Admi topi and simplicity. He did not possess an enormous war chest or any super weapon but he struck where it hurt the most. He took the battle to Gujarat. He held rallies in remote places of Gujarat where he was well received by the public. He declared that Gujarat development model is farce and rural areas still are in dire need of development. To everyone's shock he tried to barge into residence of Gujarat CM without an appointment and later declaring Modi was afraid to give him one. In later weeks Magazines came up with cover topic "expose of Gujarat Development model" but it received flak from its readers, many unsubscribing for carrying a false and sensational topic. Now public had a choice other than the Congress.

What starts with Modi ends with Modi. In the coming rallies he revealed his early life of working as a Chaiwala (Tea vendor) and his rise to Chief Ministership, exploiting it to his advantage. He declared he is the real Aam Admi for he has experienced the struggles of poverty. The image of a Chai wallah turned CM punched deep in the minds of public when Mani Shankar iyer (Congress leader) spoke sarcastically of his past and declared that Modi will have opportunity to sell tea at Congress party office. Modi turned that sarcasm to his advantage. BJP flagged off “Chai pe Charcha" (Discussion over Tea) campaigns all over country. A small teashop was setup with a flat tv screen with net connectivity where Modi would appear on TV responding to Public's questions. The campaign became a roaring hit delivering a fatal blow to Congress and on Mani Shankar Iyer for making the comments in poor taste.
In the last stages of campaign Modi addressed 190 Bharat Vijay rallies which also covered South Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu where it has least presence. Narendra Modi filed his nomination from Varanasi considered as the Holiest place of Bharat.To give a run for his money Arvind Kejirival too filed his nomination from Varanasi and later declaring 450 candidates for LS polls. He was fighting a battle where he had nothing to lose. Shutters came down on high voltage campaigning on April 22. Now the final choice was of Common man.


The whole Lok Sabha elections were concentrated on two issues; Secularism and Development. Corruption too was a major issue. The Lok Sabha elections turned into a Presidential style referendum. Either with Modi or against Modi. Even if there was a middle ground it was insignificant. While Modi moved on from Hindutva to Development his opponents were stuck on branding Modi as communal. "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas" (Development for All) became his motto. No majority pleasing or minority appeasement, it was for Savasokarod deshvasiyo (125 crore Indians).Opposition Parties appealed to Minority sections to beware of "Saffron" BJP and its mascot Modi who was a divisive figure and presided over the Gujarat riots. Appeal was made to Majority section to stem the rise of "Fascist" and Corporate Friendly Modi to save Nehruvian Socialism and Democracy. For all the accusations and counter accusations the onus was on 23 Million Young voters and 100 million new registered voters who could cause a tectonic shift in vote shares. Youngsters were no longer shy of possessing an electoral card or showing their support to their favorite political party. Thanks to the internet and smartphone, Youth had access to ocean of Knowledge on their fingertips. Social Media debates made them more informative. This generation of Youth were no longer bound by caste or ideology equations. All they wished for was a Vibrant and Unified India and a Strong Leader who can raise their country from stagnation to new heights and make their mark on Global Stage. Vande Mataram!

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